Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Side Effects of Juicing

Okay, I had heard that your energy goes through the roof when juicing (Day 29), but this is ridiculous. I can barely sit down and write a blog post I have so much energy. I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it and felt it for myself. Trust me on this one, you guys.

This past Sunday I literally felt like I was vibrating. I got together with some girlfriends and had such an amazing time with them that I had to come home and start another whole blog to talk about what happened. (Curious? You can read about it here.) And I swear I've even woken up in the middle of the night feeling like I'm swirling in a vortex. I promise you I am not being dramatic. It's crazy!

Other side effects of juicing? I am sleeping like the dead. Unless I have too much energy and just can't shut my body or mind off. I still have Fibromyalgia and it still gives me insomnia sometimes, even when I'm completely exhausted. But baby steps is all I'm asking for at this point.

Plus, joint pain is disappearing! Woo-hoo!!!! Ankles aren't causing me issues. Knees are feeling more stable. And the shoulders are feeling better (depending on what side I am sleeping on and how hard I'm sleeping). My left hip still hurts when I sleep on that side, but I have a feeling that's going to be the last thing to go. And my wrists haven't hurt since I stopped working full-time, so I guess I can't say juicing solved that. But it's still nice not to have that pain.

Headaches are greatly reduced, too! I woke up with one a few days ago, but that's the first one I remember since the beginning of juicing. Headaches have been third on my list of autoimmune symptoms only after joint pain and fatigue, so that's huge news.  Woo-hoo!

I was telling my girlfriends on Sunday that I think I could get addicted to this. I totally get people who can't stop. Why in the world would you want to stop feeling this amazing???

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